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Health Disparities

Closing the Gap through Systems Change… a Shared Responsibility

We live in communities that wear many different faces but have one thing in common: the need for health care that recognizes cultural differences, celebrates diversity, and serves every single person equally and with respect. Reducing health disparities caused by low literacy and limited language skills, poverty, age discrimination, and cultural differences is, as Dr. Carmona says, everyone’s problem.

Health literacy is the currency of success for everything that we do in primary and preventive medicine. [It] can save lives, save money, and improve the health and well-being of millions of Americans. All of us—government, academia, health care professionals, corporations, communities, and consumers—working together can bridge the gap between what health professionals know and what patients understand, and thereby improve the health of all Americans.”

— Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S.

Our Mission

We, at Health Literacy Works, take this responsibility seriously. As a matter of fact, it’s our mission. We believe multicultural, multimedia health care initiatives are the catalyst to closing the gap in health care disparities. With our know-how, background, connections, and creative expertise, you can begin to narrow that gap and drive your organization into 21st century compliance.

We're here to help.
Call us at 410.480.9716. Or email us at Jann@HealthLiteracyWorks.com
